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Quarterly Books - Annual Subscription

Annual Subscription Book

Quarterly Updated Books
(4 issues per year)
Issued: April 29, 2024; July 29, 2024; October 29, 2024 & January 29, 2025

Product Code: BE114-AR1
Subscription: Annual
Number of Issues: 4
Price: $255.00
Quantity Pricing:
5 or more @ $235.00 each
10 or more @ $215.00 each
Format: Bound Soft Cover
Number of Pages: 900
Shipment Date: May 13, 2024
Additional Information:


  • This product is for 4 Full quarterly updated books -- FOR SUPPLEMENTED BOOKS (with quarterly updates in loose-leaf or bound), please click here.

Single Issue

Single Issue Book

Current Issue
 April 29, 2024
****Single issue only*****

Product Code: BE114S-AR1
Subscription: Single Issue
Number of Issues: 1
Price: $75.00
Quantity Pricing:
5 or more @ $65.00 each
10 or more @ $55.00 each
Format: Bound Soft Cover
Number of Pages: 880
Shipment Date: May 13, 2024
Additional Information:

This is for a single issue of the BOE Tariff 6000 only.  For yearly subscriptions, choose the annual subscription option.

Prior Issue
 January 29, 2024
****Single issue only*****
****This is for the issue previous to the current issue*****

Product Code: BE114S-PR
Subscription: Single Issue
Number of Issues: 1
Price: $40.00
Format: Bound Soft Cover
Number of Pages: 900
Shipment Date: Immediately
Additional Information:

This is for a single issue of the BOE Tariff 6000 only and is not the most recent issue available.  It is guaranteed to be the issue just previous to the current issue available.

Training Copies

Training Book

Recent Past Issues


Product Code: BE114T
Subscription: Single Issue
Number of Issues: 1
Price: $25.00
Quantity Pricing:
4 or more @ $23.00 each
10 or more @ $21.00 each
Format: Bound Soft Cover
Number of Pages: 966
Shipment Date: Immediately
Additional Information:

Training copies are full copies of a recent copy of the publication.


Complete book is updated and issued anew each quarter, making it the most current and up-to-date regulatory book on the market.  It covers all the US Regulations needed for shipping hazardous materials via all forms of transportation, all changes highlighted within each issue, many publisher enhancements and proprietary information found nowhere else, plus excerpts from the current ERG for quick reference.  Ours is the only publication on the market that includes the intermodal and railroad restrictions for the transportation of hazardous materials. Choose an annual subscription with 4 issues, single issues or recent copies for training classes.

Regulations Covered

US DOT Regulations for the transportation of Hazardous materials, 49 CFR Parts 100-185 (PHMSA: 105-107, 109, 110, 130, 171-180), 209 (FRA), 397 (FMCSA) and Parts 1500, 1570, 1572, 1580 & 1584 (TSA).  Federal Hazardous Materials Transportation Law, Excerpts from the 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook

Additional Benefits

  • Highlighted changes showing exact wording of regulatory text that was changed
  • Hazardous Materials User Charts
  • Quick reference, detailed List of Regulatory and Publisher Changes each quarter
  • UN/NA Cross Reference Guide
  • Publisher’s Note preceding each Part or Subpart summarizing in plain language the contents covered
  • Subject index includes entries of important and hard to find information hidden within the regulatory language
  • Enhanced Hazardous Materials Table includes additional codes in Col. 1 of §172.101 Hazardous Materials Table identifying those materials that are hazardous substances or marine pollutants and added column for each entry linking it to the appropriate Emergency Response Guide
  • Excerpts from current ERG
  • Railroad Restrictions for hazardous materials
  • Intermodal Restrictions for hazardous materials
  • Recommended Placement of Placards on Containers and Portable Tanks
  • AAR PAMPHLET 34: Recommended Methods for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Non-Pressure (General Service) and Pressure Tank Cars
  • List of regulations that remain in effect or have a delayed effective date
  • Regulatory ‘fact checking’ goes into every issue of our publications. Given our unique position and experience in the Industry, not only do we work with the regulators, but when we find errors in the regulatory process, we alert the regulatory body responsible and note it within the  publication


Product Comparison

Click for Product Comparison
Books Supplements e-Versions Past Issues
(Complete book updated
and issued quarterly)
(Initial complete book followed by quarterly
updated supplements)
PDF format
(Compatible: Windows, Apple, Unix)
(electronic only)
Product Code BE114 BE114S BE114TB
BE155 BE156 BE118DL BE118WEB Download
Annual Subscription Items are updated
and ship quarterly
      A A


Price $255 $75 $25 $195 $195 $225 $235 $25
Quarterly Current issue only
(supplies limited)
Recent issuesB
(supplies limited)
Quarterly Quarterly


Quarterly Available
back to 1996
Format Bound soft cover Bound soft cover Bound soft cover Bound soft cover Loose Leaf for 3 ring binder Download URL Download
Number of pages ~960 ~960 ~960 Initial Book ~960, Supplements Vary Initial Book ~960, Supplements Vary NA NA NA
Regulations Covered US US US US US US & CA US & CA US & CA Available
US Regulations: 49 CFR Parts 100-185 (PHMSA: 105-107, 109, 110, 130, 171-180), 209 (FRA), 397 (FMCSA) and 1500, 1570, 1572, 1580 & 1584 (TSA)
Canadian Regulations: Canada's Complete
Dangerous Goods Regulations
Detailed List of Regulatory
Changes Page
(US Only)
(US Only)

(US Only)
Highlighted Word for
Word changes within Regulatory text
(US Only)
(US Only)

(US Only)
Hazardous Material
Users Charts
Enhanced HazMat
(fully linked)
(fully linked)

(fully linked)
Clear Language Introductions to each part/subpart            
(US Only)
(US Only)

(US Only)
UN NA Cross
(fully linked)
(fully linked)

(fully linked)
Subject index with hard to find references            
(fully linked)
(fully linked)

(fully linked)
Railroad Restrictions for Hazardous Materials Transportation                
Intermodal Restrictions for Hazardous Materials                


(fully linked)

(fully linked)
Additional Railroad
and Common Carrier resources
DOT Dockets                
DOT Formal & Informal Interpretations                
Size 8.5" x 11" x 2" 8.5" x 11" x 2" 8.5" x 11" x 2" 8.5" x 11" x 2" 8.5" x 11" x 2" NA NA NA
Weight 6 lbs 6 lbs 6 lbs 6 lbs initial book, supplements vary 6 lbs initial book, supplements vary NA NA NA